
Posts Tagged ‘You Bet your life; groucho marx’

Cheaper than a by-pass.

February 2, 2014 Leave a comment
2212 Reporting for duty at the Worst Day of the Year Run 2/1/14

2212 Reporting for duty at the Worst Day of the Year Run 2/1/14

I am well aware that most of you are enamored with my sense of frugality. Some of you have experienced it first hand (although I likely did not skimp on the food I served you, or the wine, or the birthday gift from last year… but I can tell you, somewhere in the existence we share together, I cut a corner and it likely had your name on it. (“Guess the secret word and I will give you a hundred dollars.” I will give you a hint, the secret word is “not”.

Anyway, my own life is not different. I cut corners all of the time. I find that the cheaper way (the more frugal way) is often the better of the routes we are offered. How can that be in a world of online banking (which I do not do) or easy to swipe debit cards (I use cash as much as I can) or the pre-shredded cheddar (which is no match for the block in taste, freshness or cost?) The cheaper way is 22 cents less an ounce, it saves small businesses a fee and it reminds me that the money in the checking account is being depleted as I spend it. ‘Nough said?

So where have a cut a corner today? I brought my own Sweet n Low packet to Starbucks, I let a friend buy my coffee (a sacrifice I know) I bought the larger bag of potatoes for the Super Bowl skins and will make my own instead of buying the pre-made fatty ones  Strategy alert: did you see what I did there? I combined cutting corners and taking the longer road in the same thought. I see them as the means to the same end. Getting where you want to go, without always doing the norm because it is presented to you as the easy option. Sometimes cutting the corner, means taking a longer path, but in the end there is more money in your pocket and healthier food in your belly.

You may be wondering where the by-pass comes in? Well, if I have anything to say about it, it never will enter the picture. Why? How? Because yesterday I ran my first 5K that I have been training for, over the course of the last month.

I think that the road to health starts with cutting the corner on the by-pass and taking the longer road, and run it, to fitness.

It sounds like I will spend time running and smiling, not sitting and spreading.